The Potomac River and C&O Canal

My wife and I lived in Maryland for several years and one of our favorite places to visit was the Potomac River and its little brother, the C&O Canal. We traveled to various spots along the river, mostly on the Maryland side, hiking through the forest, trudging through the marshland, biking alongside the Canal and taking little rambling visits down to the river here and there to enjoy the beautiful nature and the amazing views. 

That period of time coincided with my growing interest in photography, so in this book, you’ll get to see photographs taken during my various stages of learning this wonderful craft, more specifically during the years 2005-2008. I hope you’ll forgive the less accomplished images which were used for illustrative purposes. 

It is now 2019 and a “few” years have passed since then. These days we live in Southern Transilvania, in Romania. We spend our time outdoors exploring the villages, forests and mountains of Transilvania with our daughter, Sophie. 

I started working on this book on February 1, 2014. During these years between 2014 and 2019, other projects took over and whenever I’d have some time to work on the book, I ran into everyone’s old “friend”, fear. In my case, it was the fear that my photographs weren’t good enough, or the fear that no one would be interested in this book. This year though, I realized that I simply had to finish the book and publish it, whatever the result. The act of getting the work done and putting it out there became more important than my fears, so I set my new priorities, cleared my schedule, got to work and got this done.

Cover art for this edition of the book
Cover art for this edition of the book

I hope you will enjoy this book and it will inspire you to visit the Potomac River for yourself. It’s a beautiful thing to see in person! 

This book is available on the Apple Books and Google Play online stores. Should you enjoy the articles, photos and videos I’ve been publishing on my website since 2000, purchasing this book would be a simple and inexpensive way to show your appreciation. Thank you in advance!

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