
What would you do if there were no laws?

A lot of people are talking about a great shift that’s coming to our planet and to the human race, a shift of ascension where systems will change and humans will gain sovereignty. That’s all well and good and I hope it will happen. However, it’s also important to look at where we are right now, and in California, we’re being offered a look at what would happen if everyone made it through the shift to the new world. Over there, shoplifting has been decriminalized, and people are being offered a mirror into which they can see what’s really in their hearts. The question being asked is, what would you do if you could steal something from a store and get away with it?

The answers offered by a surprising amount of people is that they’d still do the right thing and not steal. However, a lot of other people (a much larger number than we’d think) are choosing to do the wrong thing. And they’re stealing in such quantities that it’s just crazy to see these things happen on camera. They’re wearing masks (which is quite convenient for concealing their identity) and they’re stealing sacks and suitcases of items from stores. These people clearly should not make it through the shift. They need a few more lifetimes of “oppression” so they can learn their lessons the hard way.

If we choose to see the good in this very crazy period in our human history, this plandemic has managed to get us to look at ourselves — to really look at ourselves and see what’s in our hearts. The wearing of the masks was quite likely not incidental and not necessarily done to protect our health, but to conceal our identity so that we (and the world) could get a good look at what we would do if we thought we could get away with it. Just look at the vandalism, the mob rule, the stealing, the noise violations, the loitering, the littering and all of the other crazy stuff that went on in specific cities on the West coast of the US, where the thin line of the law, drawn in the sand of our civilization, was temporarily erased or moved back a few steps from its usual place. It was crazy. It still is crazy. Entire neighborhoods and cities became a living hell, indicating quite clearly that a LOT of the population simply isn’t ready for the shift. Those people all failed their exams in visible and permanent ways. And if there is a shift, they won’t make, and rightfully so. They’ll stay on in a miserable lower density version of our world, where they’ll suffer more lifetimes of the same shit, because they fully deserve it.

Those who held it together and did the right things will likely make it and thank goodness for that. They’re quite likely at their breaking points as they witness all the insanity around them. Again, if there is a shift coming soon… because if there isn’t one and this insanity continues, I’m not sure how many people will manage to hang on for dear life, or just give up and become part of the problem (or just check out for good).

You can shake your head as you see these things happening and you can be shocked, or you can look at it this way and learn from the experience. I encourage you to see the good in it, otherwise you may end up in a bad way. Your mental health will suffer if you don’t brush this stuff off and stick to your principles. Do the right things, every day, in spite of what’s going on in the world. Live a good life in an increasingly crazy world. That’s the challenge these days. Do it.


Brazen greed

Now more than ever, when the world’s governments should pull together to help their people after so many economies have been ravaged by the pandemic, GREED is the order of the day, at every level. Everyone’s out to raise prices, to induce shortages and to squeeze the working people out of whatever money they still have.

And just to be clear, I am NOT in favor of UBI.

This is what greed looks like: smug, shitty little demons thinking they’ve got it made, leading each other down a path of destruction. It cannot go on.


An ideal form of government

What would a form of government look like, where the power truly belongs to the people? It would be a form of self-government. Also note that the title of this post and video is not “the ideal form of government” but “an ideal form of government”, which denotes other possibly ideal forms of government (or governance) that would work for certain people and certain races of people.

You can watch this video directly here.



Will we finally get to see and hear some truth on the subject of extraterrestrials this month, as so many people are hoping? I’m cynical on the issue. I want firsthand proof before I’ll believe any more fairy tales.

You can watch the video directly here.


Whom do you trust?

It’s always a good idea to re-examine those in whom you’ve placed your trust, those who are supposed to represent your interests, those who are providing you with information, and those who have set themselves up as trustworthy sources for your needs.

You can watch this video directly here.

Released 16-05-2021
Thanks for watching!
