
The Watergate Hotel and the Kennedy Arts Center

Back in February, Ligia and I plus good friends of ours took a photowalk through downtown DC. Our objectives: the Watergate Hotel and the Kennedy Arts Center. I used my Exakta EXA Ia to take the photographs. It was a lot of fun to use it, as always. I still love to shoot on film, even though it’s fairly expensive and time-intensive to get the photos in digital format. I say expensive because I’m used to shooting a LOT. I’m not satisfied with a few photos. I use up rolls of film during a session. Then I have to develop them and spend hours scanning them in. It takes about two hours to scan 24 exposures at the quality I want. And then I spend extra time editing them. But the results are worth it, and of course, the experience of using a fully manual, quality-built, metal camera like the Exakta is a treat in itself.

Here are a few photographs from that photowalk. We started down by the marina, walked up the street alongside the Watergate Hotel, then passed the Saudi embassy (which is quite an ugly building btw) and crossed the street to reach the Kennedy Arts Center. It was a cold, windy day and we froze, but I really like the photos I got, so it was worth it.

The Watergate Hotel

Political rhythm

Change of historical perspective

I see, you see, we all see

A modern interpretation of Don Quixote adorns the front of the Kennedy Center, and may I say what an ugly beast it is… Looks like whoever designed it was out to scare people, not inspire them.

He’s at it again

A clear day

Sit, sip, stare

Do, don’t talk

To scale

The day ended with a beautiful sunset over the Potomac River.

Potomac sunset


5 thoughts on “The Watergate Hotel and the Kennedy Arts Center

  1. Pingback: Photography, take two, part five (finis) by Raoul Pop

  2. Very nice collection! It’s been at least ten years since I shot with film, and I sometimes need reminding of the wonderful results that are possible when shooting in non-digital formats.



    PS – I recently spent some time wandering about the District with friends. We’ll definitely have to schedule a local Zooomr meetup in the near future!


  3. It’s a really good camera. The only limiting factor is the shutter design, which is Exakta-specific. Because of its quirky mechanism, the range of shutter speeds is fairly narrow (1/30 – 1/175 seconds, plus bulb mode). That means the shooting conditions have to be just right for the film speed you choose, or else…


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