
New York City

This is a continuation of a post from 2007 entitled “A weekend in Manhattan“. In it, I promised more photos from New York were forthcoming. What can I say… I like long-awaited sequels… I kept that promise in part with “Manhattan, from the top of the Empire State Building” and “Walking out on hope“, but I didn’t get to winnow, process and publish all of my best New York photos until now.

Therefore, I selected 44 photographs which you can see here. The rest are in my photo catalog. I’ll start at the micro level first, looking at individual buildings, then I’ll show you a few New York cityscapes, taken from above and from the bay. Enjoy!

What’s perhaps the best known building in Manhattan?

For someone who’s seen and loved both versions of “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947 and 1994), this store is quite well known.

One of my abiding photography subjects — as a matter of fact, a principal subject of my photography — is architecture. I keep coming back to it. I love photographing interesting buildings. I spent most of my time in New York walking about, as I usually do when I go somewhere, with my camera in hand, looking at buildings and capturing what I found interesting.

Grand Central Station is another New York landmark, one whose amazing architecture makes one wish all railroad stations were built like it — not necessarily in the same style, but in the same spirit.

Inside St. Patrick’s cathedral.

Another impressive interior, inside the Manhattan SDA Church.

Night scenes from Manhattan.

We stayed at the Algonquin Hotel.

Another famous landmark — and, for its time, an engineering marvel — is the Brooklyn Bridge. If you’re interested, I can get you a good price on it! 😉

The Manhattan Bridge is right next to it.

The beloved Statue of Liberty is one of the most enduring symbols of not just New York, but the US as a whole, and the principles for which it was formed.

Ellis Island was the main point of entry for many hopeful immigrants. Many of them did indeed fulfill their dreams in this wonderful country of ours.

Manhattan, from the top of the Empire State Building. There are more photographs taken from the same location in this post.

Let’s see how Manhattan looks from the water, as one approaches it from Upper Bay. This next photograph is a large scale panorama that shows both Jersey City and Manhattan. Click through to see it larger.

These next few photographs are cityscapes of the South tip of Manhattan.

This next photograph shows the skyline of Jersey City.

Let’s close with a few photos from Upper Bay.

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