Four years and two months after the first interview with Tom Lovelock, we sit down for a second time and talk about Romania.

Tom Lovelock is a retired sales manager for Jaguar and an ex-policeman from the UK, who moved to Romania together with his wife five years ago (at the time of filming this episode).

This is the ninth episode of “Romania Through Their Eyes”, a show featuring interviews with foreigners living in Romania. The show’s purpose is to get their impressions about the country and to start a dialogue which will lead to a greater understanding of the issues facing Romanians and Romania.

Music: “Ballade no. 4 in F minor, Op. 52” by Frederic Chopin, performed by Frank Levy. Track is public domain, obtained from

Released 4/17/15

Romania Through Their Eyes

Romania Through Their Eyes – Tom Lovelock

The second episode of my show, Romania Through Their Eyes, has just gone live. This interview features Tom Lovelock, who is originally from the UK, but has spent a good number of years in Africa and the Middle East, most recently in Qatar. He moved to Romania with his wife six months ago, and they intend to stay here permanently.

As with the first episode, both English and Romanian subtitles will be available. In order to access them, you’ll need to see the video directly on YouTube, so either click on the video above, or click on the link below. Once on YouTube, use the CC button to select the language for the subtitles.


Episode RTTE-002-EN-HD
Released 3/3/11
